VOscope VO-10mm LED Series - 18" (VO18-10WW) in Harrisonburg, Virginia For Sale
Price: $202
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
VO-10mm LED SeriesVO Series 10MM ShaftOur BEST General Purpose ScopeHigh Output LED LightingWaterproof Shaft, petroleum and chemical resistantHigh resolution clarity (xxxx Pixels)3 year warrantyMade in the USA10MM Diameter shafts incorporate a Spring LOK design allowing longer reaching without drooping.
Manufacturer: Visual Optics
Model: VO18-10WW
Condition: New
Price: $202.96
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.manventureoutpost.com/products/VOscope-VO%252d10mm-LED-Series-%252d-18%22-%28VO18%252d10WW%29.html?google=1